莫妮卡·杰特利,一个明星人物式的新闻工作者,在她去米城探望父母时,被发现被谋杀在她的勒克瑙住宅里,三名嫌疑犯被起诉谋杀记者,然而事实真相扑朔迷离,有待追寻。从鸡肠子办公室出来,肖战眉头一直没松开过。出品单位: 中国电影股份有限公司Prakash (Madan Puri) and Ranjit (Anwar Hussain) are criminals engaged in various nefarious activities. One day they are arrested in Ranjit's home, leaving behind Ranjit's wife, Shanti (Sulochana) and child, Dev. Shanti relocates to a friend's (Mumtaz Begum), who also has a child by the name of Salim. Years past, Dev (Rishi Kapoor) and Salim (Paintal) grow up and play a band for weddings and receptions. One day they witness the two hoodlums, Prakash and Ranjit, along with their goon (Viju Khote), killing a man in a graveyard. Dev and Salim flee. But the hoodlums know what they look like and so Dev and Salim change into women's clothing and join a band of girls going to Srinagar. Amongst the girls' is beautiful Reetu (Neetu Singh), who has run away from her cruel aunt (Lalita Kumari), who wanted her to marry 50 year old Prakash in exchange of a suitcase full of money. Dev falls in love with Reetu, but is unable to openly show his affection for her because of his disguise as Devi. Reetu ...本作は香りの力で人を幸せに導いていく白髪の女性?白石弥生を軸にした物語。上司のセクハラを抗議したことで職を失った若林恵麻は、ふとしたきっかけで弥生の香水店を訪れることに。「魔女さん」と呼ばれる弥生と香聂远乔的手中拿着一个杯子盖,直接就往那刘三爷的一只眼睛上砸去。阿霞相亲多次失败,梁心无意看到了征婚启事,阴差阳错的约阿霞相亲,梁心逐渐被阿霞所吸引,并为阿霞画了一本漫画,这时梁心的前女友从美国回来提出复合。霞决定离开,此时的梁心意识到自己已经爱上了阿霞。宫煜城身上一瞬间迸射出来的杀意,让顾潇潇惊诧,卧槽,老大生气了,后果很严重。本片根据市川拓司小说《相约在雨季》改编,讲述男子(苏志燮饰)的妻子秀雅(孙艺珍饰)去世前告诉他,自己将在下一个雨季回来。果不其然,雨季来临之际,妻子如约而至。可奇怪的是,妻子似乎忘记了他和家庭。