Contemporary viewers who go into Dishonored expecting a musty, dated espionage melodrama will be in for a surprise. Marlene Dietrich delivers a subtle and witty performance as a Viennese prostitute who offers her services as a spy during WWI. As"Agent X-27" our heroine proves invaluable to her superiors, seducing and betraying enemy officers with the greatest of ease. But when she falls in love with Russian spy Lt. Kranau (Victor McLaglen), she permits him to escape her clutches, and as a consequence is sentenced to be executed. Ever the mistress of her own fate,"X-27" stands proud and tall before the firing squad, even comforting the officer in charge (Barry Norton) who can't bring himself to shoot a woman. The scenes between Dietrich and bemedalled general Warner Oland are in themselves worthy of the admission price; equally as entertaining is the brief sequence in which the jaded heroine disguises herself as a zaftig peasant girl.可是她提出的请求就是,她什么也不需要,金钱、人力、物力,她通通不问他索取,却只想问他要一个名分,哪怕是虚的。韩雪觉得这个叫小静的女孩很有意思,她在小静身上居然看到七哥的影子。王琦瑶(郑秀文 饰)与同学蒋丽莉(苏岩 饰)到片场参观,认识了摄影师程先生(梁家辉 饰)。程先生为琦瑶拍照并倾心于她,后来更推荐琦瑶参加“上海小姐“的选举。王琦瑶的风姿不仅使她赢得了第三名,还令掌握军政大权的李主任(胡军 饰)义无反顾的爱上了她。王琦瑶也全身心投入,可是李主任遭到了追杀后便销声匿迹了...It is set at the Saint Sebastian Academy, an all-male school where homosexuality is the norm.布鲁斯·威利斯与EFO Films签订两部新片。一部是将于3月27日开拍的[暴力行为](Acts Of Violencen,暂译),该片由布莱特·多诺霍([银瀑])执导。Spence Cutler is a psychopath. He's never felt empathy or guilt. However, a fateful encounter with a new drug is about to give him a dose of too much reality, and he takes a mind-bending trip down the psychedelic highway of consciousness to come face to face with his own morality and his own twisted soul.本片根据天下霸唱短篇小说《鬼市人头案》改编,讲述了自立一派的“风水侦探”段宇豪、祁威携手镖局青梅竹马关晓月、警察局长千金冯岚,勇破津沽城“罗刹鸟连环杀人案”的惊险故事。已经是晚上九点多,餐厅里依旧高朋满座,空气里充斥着市井的喧嚣和食物的香气,服务员和食客穿梭其中,好不热闹。