  • 我的观影记录
假人 - 电影

至死不渝的友情,胜过每场敷衍的关系。富二代托马斯游手好闲拒绝长大,被迫照顾一个身患先天疾病、随时会危及生命的男孩马库斯。对他们来说,对方的出现就像一束光,照亮了原本灰暗的世界。然而人生有一百次失望的时刻,就有一百零一次被朋友的爱打捞的瞬间。这只有一次的人世间,他们彼此鼓励、相互救赎,只要对方热烈、而...Duke and Boots, two young thugs, hold up a California gas-station owner. Duke, viral and savage, taunts the slower and psychologically-confused Boots because he has never made a sexual conquest. Duke offers to seduce a woman for Boots and the pair force a passing motorist to pursue a sports car driven by Ann Carlyle, the lustful wife of a insurance-company executive who has some desires of her own not being met by her husband.Eddie is a working-class teenager in 1959 Kharkov. He hangs out with shady characters, but is also a gifted poet, albeit one who uses his talent to distract crowds while his friend picks-pockets. He pursues a local beauty, Sveta, promising her a date in a restaurant with the implicit assumption that she will repay him sexually. When he catches Sveta kissing his friend, Ed shows up at her flat with a knife, but runs off before she opens the door. He wanders the snowy streets and nearly commits suicide before his mother finds him and has him put in the Saburka, an infamous psychiatric hospital whose patients had included the artist Mikhail Vrubel’ and the futurist poet Velimir Khlebnikov. There Ed bonds with the other maltreated patients, one of whom introduces him to the richness of Russian literature. After a brief escape, during which he climbs a church tower and prays for ‘an interesting life’, Ed is recommitted to the asylum, which prompts his mates to stage a ‘storming’ of the hospital (à la the storming of the Winter Palace in October 1917) in protest. When he is finally released, he has learned hard truths about his place in the world as a son and an artist.顾潇潇暗戳戳高兴了好久,和同学一起结伴郊游,这是她以前向往的美好之一。When plans for a weekend vacation hit a dead end, a group of close-knit friends find themselves stranded in unfamiliar territory, pursued by a menacin...一年一度的圣诞节又要来临了,身兼圣诞老人一职的斯考特先生(蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen 饰)逐渐繁忙了起来。可偏偏就在这个节骨眼上,校长卡罗尔(伊丽莎白·米切尔 Elizabeth Mitchell 饰)找到了斯考特,告诉他他的儿子查理(艾力克·洛伊德 Eric Lloyd 饰)如今已经成为了学校...香港闹市街头,青年秋炳(黄宗泽 饰)和好友大啤(森美 饰)共同经营一辆流动雪糕车,二人耍酷卖帅,无奈生活无比现实,爱神迟迟不曾眷顾生意清淡毫无前途的草根阶级,他们只能望着美女兀自哀叹。楼下小卖铺的女孩菁菁(赵柯 饰)暗恋秋炳,三番五次大献殷勤,只不过对方呆头呆脑,全然不知。香港有一间警局,三十年前曾是日军侵略香港时的军营。因为战败,日本军官在里面切腹自杀了。据说他们的阴魂不散,魂魄依然逗留在这所警局当中,并会在孟兰节当天出没。金麦基(张学友 饰)与孟超(许冠英 饰)都在这所警局里面当警察,但他们一直不相信警局里面的恐怖传说。直到在孟兰节当天他们亲眼目睹了逃犯蛇仔明(楼南光 饰)遇到太阳化作了灰土,原来蛇仔明在监狱内看到了日军的鬼魂,被咬后变成了僵尸,他们才相信警局内的确有阴魂。既然喜欢了,那便好好喜欢吧。年轻,合该谈场轰轰烈烈的恋爱。


