Amedeo Letizia is a twenty-year-old who at the end of the 1980s moves to Rome from Casal di Principe to pursue a career as an actor. He is just taking his first steps, between a photonovel and a part on the small screen in one of the most famous serials of those years, I ragazzi del muretto, when his younger brother, Paolo, is kidnapped by some men wearing hoods and vanishes from sight. Amedeo returns to the town of his birth, and right from the start this journey proves to be a descent into the hell of his past and the contradictions of his land. Since the investigation carried out by the carabinieri is getting nowhere, he decides to conduct his own search: he does it armed with a rifle and with the aid of his seventeen-year-old cousin Marco. The details of the disappearance emerge gradually over the course of the film, in which we see Amedeo roaming a territory that stretches from the countryside to the sea and includes a number of lakes, in a frantic search for his brother. He combs the area with Marco without knowing whether to look for a corpse or a place where Paolo is being held prisoner.秦肃凛有样学样,也跟着挖陷阱,倒真的抓到了一只兔子。The motive of NIGHTSCAPE is a TAXI SERIAL KILLER in South Korea from 2004 to 2010. The killer in known as brutal crime, such as keeping the body in the taxi trunk. NIGHTSCAPE shows two faces of ordinary and cruelness the city through an actual crime.男人的脸转过来,露出宋垣冷厉的轮廓,他的眼珠黝黑透亮,看着张雪岩,意味不明。大丫恍然,磕头道谢,想要起身时发现自己起不来。言柳绿看着她忍不住扶额,你真的打算连夜去排队买票啊?你知不知道今晚的温度多少,零下三十一度。前方的陈天豪,如同一抹蓝色的流星划过天空,后面仿佛跟着一片乌云一般。所谓的安利视频,是自白阮进圈以来, 和傅瑾南粉红互动的所有镜头。人生就是小坑接大坑外带偶尔连环坑的办公用品销售员梁凉,在经历了初恋男友出国再恋男友出轨再再恋男友异装癖还劈腿之后,终于遇上了纯(大)爷(魔)们(王)李天宇。李天宇是梁凉的客户,一个贸易公司的年轻老板,梁凉喜欢纯爷们,但喜欢的是找纯爷们当媳妇儿,而不是去当纯爷们的媳妇儿,所以当原本喜欢妹子的李天宇忽然对他感兴趣的时候,他只好假装自己也是喜欢妹子的真男人。然而后来梁凉才发现,喜欢天喜欢地喜欢花草还是喜欢桌椅在李天宇那里都不是问题,面对一个只要自己乐意别人都一边儿去的强势乐观主义者,他唯一能做的,只有含泪低头…… 每个人都是一半苹果,生来就要去找另一半的,可这世上有千千万个半拉苹果,李天宇会是梁凉严丝合缝的那一半吗?